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Stay safe and here is some other news!
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Hello all, yes I admit I haven't posted anything for a while.

I took a few months off collecting records, but started again at the start of this year. Since then I have collected a fair amount of different items ranging from BBC Transcription discs of Dad's Army to BBC Language courses and to Secret Garden promotional CD singles!

With a large selection of different interests, there is always something out there - just need to get the item at the right price and hope no one else wants it!

I have also managed to get a couple of BBC catalogues, these seem to be fairly rare and when the older ones come up there can be an "online" fight to win it!

Also while we are "stating at home" I have had the opportunity to start cataloguing again. It turns out I have marked one record which I had incorrectly (and don't) and the next item as not having it (when I do!) - could save a fortune by doing a few simple checks!

As always, I am interested in things which I don't have which fall into my core collections - so if you have anything or can get something, then make contact!

In the meantime, stay safe and hopefully will be in contact with you again soon.

(Oh I promise to add new posts more frequently in future!)
Posted by
Mike (2020-04-19).