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Not registered, Chatter

Release details

Artist(s):Not registered
Category:BBC - Sound effects-EC (Click on this button to view other releases of BBC - Sound effects-EC 7'' singles.)
Label and catalogue number:Picture of images/labels/BBC Sound Effects_old4.jpg labelBBC Sound Effects_old4 - EC 15G
Format:Vinyl 7'' singles
Country:UK UK flag
Genre:Sound effects - Other people View all other tracks listed as Sound effects - Other people.
Run-off codes:BBC 7FRD 123577
BBC 7FRD 123578
Item deleted?Yes
Distributed / printed by
Page views:1118 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 4556, rank in singles is 1033.
My rating:*****
Guest rating:*****

My copies information

This section shows the information I have recorded for this release.
Cover conditionPlastic cover
Record conditionNear mint
BBC records label code$
Number have1
What type of seller was usedOther online shop
Where can I buy this release?You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!)


Below listed is any duplicates I have for this release.
Duplicate item 1Reason -, condition -
Run-off codes


Below is a list of tracks for this release.
Side & track noTrack and ArtistLength
A1Small group of people intearoom6.30
Golf club bar
Total length of media 12:50.

All release pictures

Below is all the cover (front, back, middle and inserts if applicable) and label pictures I have for this release.
Front cover
Front cover of EC 15G
Back cover
Back cover of EC 15G
Label Label


Below is my review for this release and the ratings.
A good entry, I will include a full review asap!
My rating3
Guest ratingCurrent average value is 3.

To vote, please select one of these buttons:

Other versions

I have the title track on these releases:
[singles]EC 6EFox Hunting: Quorn Hunt
[singles]EC 7EComedy sounds
[singles]EC 9APublic houses
[singles]EC 9CSports club bar
[singles]EC 9HPublic houses
[singles]EC 15BRestaurant
[singles]EC 15FChatter
[singles]EC 17HTraffic: Provincial town
[singles]EC 17PHorsedrawn traffic
[singles]EC 17QHorsedrawn traffic
[singles]EC 17RHorsedrawn traffic
[singles]EC 23CShopping precinct - Stevenage
[singles]EC 40AMixed outdoor crowds
[singles]EC 40COutdoor crowd
[singles]EC 40EOutdoor crowd - 16-19 year old boys
[singles]EC 40FOutdoor crowd
[singles]EC 40GOutdoor crowd (30 people)
[singles]EC 40JCrowd of 6000 at protest meet - London 1970
[singles]EC 40KOutdoor chatter / Indoor crowds - small group (English)
[singles]EC 43FCavalry / Processions
[singles]EC 51KNigerian crowds
[singles]EC 51LEthiopia
[singles]EC 58CIndustry sewing machine / Factory atmosphere
[singles]EC 60BGerman crowds
[singles]EC 63FDance Hall atmosphere
[singles]EC 63HAudience in hall
[singles]EC 67AGame of snooker / Billiards saloon
[singles]EC 68BGirls' grammar school
[singles]EC 68CGirls' grammar school
[singles]EC 68DGirls' grammar school
[singles]EC 68EGirls' grammar school
[singles]EC 68FGirls' grammar school
[singles]EC 73EChatter
[singles]EC 73KCrowd reaction / Chatter (Farcical)
[singles]EC 73NCrowd reaction
[singles]EC 75BFireworks / Bonfire
[singles]EC 76GChildren
[singles]EC 79FMotor racing: Formula 1 - 1.3 litre (Silverstone)
[singles]EC 96HIndoor wrestling
[singles]EC 96JIndoor wrestling
[singles]EC 97CItaly (Caracalla): Indoor Crowds
[singles]EC 113HWest Country market - Newton Abbot, Devon, 1967
[singles]EC 113JWest Country market - Newton Abbot, Devon, 1967
[singles]EC 120DNational daily newspaper
[singles]EC 121APaddle steamer (2400 H. P.)
[singles]EC 136AGeneral background
[singles]EC 136BGeneral background
[singles]EC 136C3 people in hall / 700 people in large hall
[singles]EC 136D3 people in hall
[singles]EC 142LBaby (Girl) - 2 years
[singles]EC 1006FCrowds / Foreign atmospheres
[singles]EC 1006GCrowds Foreign: Red Indians, China / Ballroom
[singles]EC 1006HCrowds ballroom atmosphere / Foreign atmospheres
[singles]EC 1006JCrowds: Interior
[singles]EC 1006KCrowds: Interior
[singles]EC 1006LCrowds: Interior
[singles]EC 1006QCrowds: Czech and Dutch crowds
[singles]ECS 1C25Clubs and bars
[singles]ECS 1C60Crowds: Interior (Rec. Playhouse Theatre, London)
[singles]ECS 1R10Snack bar / Cafe
[singles]ECS 2C1Outdoor crowds
[78]3 C 173People sounds
[78]3 C 228Crowds and children outside
[78]3 C 230Ladies hairdressing salon
[78]3 C 240Theatre chatter / Crowds
[78]3 C 257Airport control room
[78]3 C 310Crowds outside
[albums]REB 41A British sampler
[albums]RED 47Sound effects No. 1
[albums]RED 102Sound effects no. 3
[albums]RED 164Sound effects no. 9
[albums]REC 264Bedtime stories
[albums]REC 386Mr. Men stories - Volume 2
[albums]REFX 448Essential sound effects
[albums]RBT 15Bedtime stories
[cassettes]ZCF 792Essential sound effects
[cds]BBCCD792Essential sound effects
[cds]BBCCD862Essential crowd sound effects
[cds]BBCCD864Essential sound effects of babies and children
[cds]BBCCD870Essential foreign sound effects
[cds]BBCCD SFX007Human crowds, children and footsteps
[cds]BBCCD SFX009International
[cds]BBCCD SFX019Alarms and sirens
[cds]BBCCD SFX027Babies
[cds]BBCCD SFX029Morocco
[cds]BBCCD SFX033Adventure sports
[cds]BBCCD SFX039Schools and crowds
[cds]BBCCD SFX040Spain
[cds]BBCCD SFX048Crowds
[cds]BBCCD SFX049Suburbia
[cds]BBCCD SFX051London
[cds]BBCCD SFX053India and Nepal: City life
[cds]BBCCD SFX057Urban South America
[cds]ECD 63Religion in Britain
[cds]ECD 79Exterior crowds I
[cds]ECD 80Exterior crowds II
[cds]ECD 83Interiors - Restaurants
[cds]ECD 84Interiors - Pubs and clubs
[cds]ECD 86Interiors - Concert halls
[cds]ECD 94Children - Middle and secondary schools
[cds]ECD 95Comedy II
[dvds]86040Mr. Men - Series 1 and 2

Further information

Never issued to the public, these records were used by the BBC across the land to add sound effects to their TV and Radio programmes. All EC records were recorded in mono.


Here are some statistics about this page.
Page views: 1118 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 4556, rank in singles 1033.
This page was last updated on 18-05-2024 at 21:05:14 UK local time.

Other releases you might be interested in

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© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: 18-05-2024 at 21:05:14 UK local time.