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Various, America

Release details

Category:BBC - Sound effects-SFX (Click on this button to view other releases of BBC - Sound effects-SFX CDs.)
Label and catalogue number:Picture of images/labels/BBC SFX.jpg labelBBC SFX - BBCCD SFX024
Format:Disc CDs
Country:UK UK flag
Genre:Sound effects View all other tracks listed as Sound effects.
Run-off codes:ECD 24 . MASTERED BY NIMBUS
Item deleted?Yes
Distributed / printed byBBC Enterprises Ltd
Page views:715 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 8558, rank in cds is 653.
My rating:*****
Guest rating:*****

My copies information

This section shows the information I have recorded for this release.
Cover conditionVery Good Plus
Record conditionNear mint
BBC records label code$
Number have1
What type of seller was usedNot recorded
Where can I buy this release?You may be able to purchase this release from the following websites (others are available!)


Below is a list of tracks for this release.
Side & track noTrack and ArtistLength
A1Broadway traffic, New York - mid morning2.52
A2Times Square, New York - afternoon1.59
A3Terminal, John F. Kennedy International Airport3.54
A4Busy street, New York - afternoon2.42
A5Goldens Bridge, New York State - crickets at night3.52
A6Niagara Falls - close perspective3.12
A7Roadside, Ford Kent, Maine - starlings roosting4.49
A8Street, downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania2.28
A9Independence Hall Bell, Philadelphia0.49
A10Traffic with horse and buggy, Philadelphia3.55
A11Delicatessen restaurant, Philadelphia - lunchtime4.10
A12Counter and till in delicatessen, Philadelphia2.10
A13Bar, Mamou, Louisiana3.19
A14Crowd at garden party. Eunice, Louisiana0.59
A15New Orleans, Louisiana - house finch at night2.14
A16Soul food restaurant, New Orleans3.57
A17Crowd at heritage festival, New Orleans2.39
A18Freight train with siren passes in desert, near Kingman, Arizona1.27
A19Oil derrick, San Pedro, California1.09
A20Dockers' (Longshoreman's) bar, San Pedro1.35
A21Bowling alley, Santa Monica, California2.31
A22Traffic at U. S. / Mexican border, Tijuana1.30
A23Street market, Tijuana, Mexico2.35
A24Bar, Tijuana2.15
Total length of media 1:03:02.

All release pictures

Below is all the cover (front, back, middle and inserts if applicable) and label pictures I have for this release.
Front cover
Front cover of BBCCD SFX024
Back cover
Back cover of BBCCD SFX024
Middle of cover
Middle of cover of BBCCD SFX024 Middle of cover of BBCCD SFX024


Below is my review for this release and the ratings.
A good entry, I will include a full review asap!
My rating3
Guest ratingCurrent average value is 3.

To vote, please select one of these buttons:

Other versions

I have the title track on these releases:
[singles]EC 88CMotor & miscellaneous horns
[singles]EC 167BCage birds
[singles]MP 15155Animals
[singles]BP 405 GLet me introduce you to the family
[singles]BP 405 HLet me introduce you to the family
[singles]HUGH 1Big in America
[singles]HUGH D 1Big in America / Nice in Nice 2
[singles]HUGE P 1Big in America
[singles]650249 7Big in America
[12inches]HUGE T 1Big in America
[78]13 B 153Motor horns
[albums]REB 39British Prime Ministers (1924 - 1964)
[albums]RED 55Wildlife in danger
[albums]REC 69Golf
[albums]REC 71Gone fishing
[albums]RED 104Sound effects no. 4
[albums]REC 166English with an accent
[albums]REC 179Up country
[albums]REB 228Hands across the sea
[albums]REB 254Band beat
[albums]REC 27620 Country and Western greats
[albums]REB 327Washington behind closed doors
[albums]REGL 369Dame Maggie Teyte
[albums]REB 370Thank you for the music
[albums]REH 388Come dancing
[albums]REB 400Not the nine o'clock news
[albums]REB 423Hancock's half hour - Volume 2
[albums]REC 433Noel's funny phone calls
[albums]REF 453Not the nine o'clock news - The memory kinda lingers
[albums]REB 484Fawlty Towers - A la carte
[albums]REH 494Laugh-In
[albums]REC 559Caribbean cocktail
[albums]REC 562Victory in Europe - 1945
[albums]REQ 571The second World war 1939 -1945
[albums]REL 593Royal family album
[albums]REC 639The war in Korea
[albums]REB 640Gershwin
[albums]REN 712At your request - Jimmy Young
[albums]REF 844Bringing it all back home
[albums]BBC 50BBC 1922 - 1972 - 50 years of broadcasting
[albums]OP 165/166History 1917-1971 - War and peace in Europe
[albums]LAF 1The laughing stock of the BBC
[albums]KIDLP 005The kids from fame - Volume 5
[albums]CN 4888Magazine units - 670
[albums]CN 5203Magazine units - 712
[albums]CN 5590 SMagazine units - 767
[albums]146173 - STop of the pops - 802
[albums]2964 059Not the nine o'clock news
[albums]TRC-SP 1038Thank you for the music
[albums]REC 179-iDUp country
[albums]REB 228-iDHands across the sea
[albums]51.0124Efectos de sonido Vol. 20
[albums]BBC - 22003The Complete Fawlty Towers Record Collection
[albums]BBC - 22484Fawlty Towers - A la carte
[albums]M BBC 50Mullard and the television industry
[albums]MFP 5810Not the nine o'clock news
[albums]DEMREC 567Not the nine o'clock news - The memory kinda lingers
[albums]U 25The unforgettable fire
[albums]HITS 5Hits 5
[albums]AMA 5161Babylon and on
[albums]350 811 - 7Wild mood swings
[albums]SP 70011IV
[albums]062 - 2610601Off the beaten track
[albums]LBG 5001Off the beaten track
[albums]EPC 26648Dreamtime
[albums]EPC II 26648Dreamtime
[albums]463366 1Dreamtime
[albums]466835 1Feline / Dreamtime
[albums]467541 1Greatest hits 1977 - 1990
[cds]BBCCD712At your request - Jimmy Young
[cds]BBCCD780The Kon-Tiki man
[cds]BBCCD844Bringing it all back home
[cds]BBCCD860Essential sounds of the city
[cds]BBCCD862Essential crowd sound effects
[cds]BBCCD870Essential foreign sound effects
[cds]BBCCD3005The second World war 1939 -1945
[cds]ZBBC 1868 CDThe Goon show 5 - And there's more where that came from!
[cds]ZBBC 2038 CD75 years of the BBC - A celebration of BBC Radio
[cds]PWKS 657Marti Webb sings Gershwin
[cds]CDPC 5003Portraits of Broadway
[cds]ECD 102South America: Rural and urban atmospheres
[cds]95 0041Effectos de sonido - Volume 4
[cds]HBCD0010Bringing all back home
[cds]TVT 1200 CDTelevision's greatest hits - Volume 2
[cds]FILMCD 035Television's greatest hits - Volume 3
[cds]VTCD 112This is the return of cult fiction
[cds]29194 2Parklife
[cds]523 0322Whales & dolphins - The best of Terrorvision
[cds]ANCD 2K1Ministry of sound - The annual 2002
[cds]FIXCD 28Wild mood swings
[cds]981463 - 0Join the dots
[cds]463366 2Dreamtime
[cds]CDEPC 26648Dreamtime
[cds]EK 40607Dreamtime
[cds]CDP 791072 2Rarities
[cds]466835 2Feline / Dreamtime
[cds]467395 2Feline / Aural sculpture / Dreamtime
[cds]467541 2Greatest hits 1977 - 1990
[cds]467541 9Greatest hits
[cds]471416 2All twelve inches
[cds]CDADV 101The hit men
[cds]559672 2The UA singles 1980-1982
[cds]509826 2Sweet smell of success
[dvds]BBCDVD 1037The last fast show ever - Part 1
[dvds]UDR 90048American pie
[dvds]UDR 90151American pie 2 unseen
[dvds]8211725America wedding (American pie)
[books]978-1-84533-938-8Gin the manual
[books]TSLYCSHThe singles 77-78 lyric sheets

Further information

These are a series of BBC CD albums which basically digitised the original BBC sound effects albums found in the main BBC cagalogue.


Here are some statistics about this page.
Page views: 715 times since 20th May, 2017, global rank is 8558, rank in cds 653.
This page was last updated on 11-01-2024 at 20:04:09 UK local time.

Other releases you might be interested in

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© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: 11-01-2024 at 20:04:09 UK local time.