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Genre search - Sound effects - Ships and boats

A full list of this genre is shown below.
Catalogue number, Side & track no
Ship colliding
Comedy sounds
Paddle steamer rhythm
Comedy sounds
Engines running & stopping
Tug (450 H. P.)
Engines starting & running (some manoeuvring)
Tug (450 H. P.)
Constant run
Tug (450 H. P.)
Tug-Start up; tickover; revving; stops
Tug (180 H. P.)
Start up; tickover; runs; stops
Tug (180 H. P.)
Tug-Constant run
Tug (180 H. P.)
TUG WHISTLES: Turning to port (1 blast)
Tug whistles / Tug
Turning to starboard (2 blasts)
Tug whistles / Tug
Going astern (8 blasts)
Tug whistles / Tug
Tug whistles / Tug
Tug whistles / Tug
Tug whistles / Tug
TUG: Bow wave
Tug whistles / Tug
Start up; tickover; stops with wash
Motor launch (On deck)
Start up; slow run with wash; stops
Motor launch (On deck)
Start up; fast run with wash; stops
Motor launch (On deck)
Start up; constant run with wash; stops
Motor launch (On deck)
On deck - Start up; reversing and manoeuvring with wash; stops
Motor launch
In cabin - Start up; reversing; high speed runs with wash; stops
Motor launch
On deck - Start up; cruise with wash; stops
Motor launch
False start
Boat (4 hp outboard engine)
Boat (4 hp outboard engine)
Continuous run
Boat (4 hp outboard engine)
Boat (4 hp outboard engine)
False start
Boat (4 hp outboard engine)
False start
Boat (4 hp outboard engine)
Start; constant run against tide
Boat (4 hp outboard engine)
Boat (4 hp outboard engine)
7 hp. twin-cylinder diesel engine: Start; tickover
Boats - 7 hp. twin-cylinder diesel engine / 2 1/4 h.p. outboard engine
Boats - 7 hp. twin-cylinder diesel engine / 2 1/4 h.p. outboard engine
Continuous run
Boats - 7 hp. twin-cylinder diesel engine / 2 1/4 h.p. outboard engine
Slow down to tickover
Boats - 7 hp. twin-cylinder diesel engine / 2 1/4 h.p. outboard engine
Boats - 7 hp. twin-cylinder diesel engine / 2 1/4 h.p. outboard engine
2 1/4 h.p. outboard engine: False start
Boats - 7 hp. twin-cylinder diesel engine / 2 1/4 h.p. outboard engine
Start; constant run
Boats - 7 hp. twin-cylinder diesel engine / 2 1/4 h.p. outboard engine
Boats - 7 hp. twin-cylinder diesel engine / 2 1/4 h.p. outboard engine
Starts up; into constant run (recorded from cockpit position)
19ft motor boat (12 H.P. Petrol engine)
Recorded on board (cockpit position): Slow down; stop; switch off
19ft motor boat (12 H.P. Petrol engine)
19ft motor boat (12 H.P. Petrol engine)
Constant run (fade for passing)
19ft motor boat (12 H.P. Petrol engine)
Exterior: Approach; stop
19ft motor boat (12 H.P. Petrol engine)
Start up; depart
19ft motor boat (12 H.P. Petrol engine)
Start up; into constant run; slow down; stop (recorded from stern position)
19ft motor boat (12 hp petrol engine)
Recorded on board (stern position) - Slow down
19ft motor boat (12 hp petrol engine)
Recorded on board (stern position) - Tickover
19ft motor boat (12 hp petrol engine)
Recorded on board (stern position) - Start up; revving; manoeuvring
19ft motor boat (12 hp petrol engine)
19ft motor boat (12 hp petrol engine)
Start up; into constant run
16Ft Speedboat (40 hp outboard)
Pull up to stop (exterior or interior)
16Ft Speedboat (40 hp outboard)
16Ft Speedboat (40 hp outboard)
Departing (exterior)
16Ft Speedboat (40 hp outboard)
16Ft Speedboat (40 hp outboard)
Constant run (Forward position) with bow wave
16ft speedboat (40 H.P. Outboard)
Pull up to stop
16ft speedboat (40 H.P. Outboard)
16ft speedboat (40 H.P. Outboard)
Departing (Exterior)
16ft speedboat (40 H.P. Outboard)
Passing at speed (Exterior)
16ft speedboat (40 H.P. Outboard)
Crew boarding with orders; engines started
Lifeboat - Swanage (Recorded on board)
Shackles released; boat descends slipway into water; constant run
Lifeboat - Swanage (Recorded on board)
Constant run; stop engines
Lifeboat - Swanage (Recorded on board)
Start engines; into constant run
Lifeboat - Swanage (Recorded on board)
Constant run into neutral prior to hauling up slipway
Lifeboat - Swanage (Recorded on board)
Tickover; manoeuvring into slipway position (some voices)
Lifeboat (Recorded on board)
Boat hauled up slipway (winch engine; some orders)
Lifeboat (Recorded on board)
Boat launched down slipway with general atmosphere
Lifeboat (Recorded on board)
Fixing shackles prior to hauling up slipway; winch engines & general atmosphere
Lifeboat (Recorded on board)
Boat hauled up slipway
Lifeboat (Recorded on board)
Under cover: Cars leaving ferry
Traffic (Under cover) / Hammersmith
Seawash at stern of ship
Cross-channel car ferry
Engine running at 18 knots
Cross-channel car ferry
General atmosphere
Pool of London
Dockside; barges passing
Pool of London
Unloading cargo boat (sugar)
Pool of London
RMS Queen Mary: Turning to starboard; 1 blast
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
Turning to port; 2 blasts
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
Reversing; 3 blasts
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
Stop; 1 blast
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
'Farewell'; 3 blasts
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
Fog warning; 3 blasts
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
Whistles & sirens: Hooters on River Elbe
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
Trawler siren
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
Trawler siren
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
Tug siren
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
Tug siren
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
Tug siren
Ship's whistle / Ships & tugs
F45 Marine
Motor & miscellaneous horns
Portoblast (hand-held type used on light sailing craft)
Motor & miscellaneous horns
Portoblast (hand-held type used on light sailing craft)
Motor & miscellaneous horns
Engines running with wash (cruising on surface)
Diesel electric submarine (1961)
Engine running whilst submerged
Diesel electric submarine (1961)
Diving with orders
Diesel electric submarine (1961)
Surfacing with orders
Diesel electric submarine (1961)
Start diesel engines; run; slow down & stop
World War II submarine (Captured U-boat manned by the British, rec. on After Deck)
Reverse diesel engines; stop; into wash
World War II submarine (Captured U-boat manned by the British, rec. on After Deck)
Diesel engines constant run with wash
World War II submarine (Captured U-boat manned by the British, rec. on After Deck)
Boulogne main harbour intersection
French traffic
Gare Maritime, Boulogne: General atmosphere with P.A.
French trains
Leaving (sound of paddles); ship's telegraph
Paddle steamer (2400 H. P.)
Passengers embarking; general chatter & activity (recorded on deck)
Paddle steamer (2400 H. P.)
Bow wave with engine in background
Paddle steamer (2400 H. P.)
Constant sound of paddles (recorded in paddle chamber.)
Paddle steamer (2400 H. P.)
Arriving at pier; starts with telegraph bell (recorded on board)
Paddle steamer (2400 H. P.)
Leaving pier; signal bell (recorded on board)
Paddle steamer (2400 H. P.)
Sound of engines as heard from empty saloon on deck (some distant voices)
Paddle steamer (2400 H. P.)
Atmosphere in engine room with engines idling
Paddle steamer (2400 H. P.)
General atmosphere in engine room
Paddle steamer (2400 H. P.)
Club boatyard - general movement & chatter
General background
Sailing against wind
Sailing vessel (18ft cabin 5 lock)
Lee Hol
Sailing vessel (18ft cabin 5 lock)
Atmosphere in cabin
Sailing vessel (18ft cabin 5 lock)
Mooring chain pulled in ( cabin)
Sailing vessel (18ft cabin 5 lock)
'Roaring forties'
Sailing vessel (Clipper)
'Trade winds'
Sailing vessel (Clipper)
Bow wave as heard from lee quarter (light wind)
Sailing vessel - St S Malcolm Miller 1968
Bow wave as heard from bowsprit at 4 knots (9-knot wind)
Sailing vessel - St S Malcolm Miller 1968
Average sea as heard from lee halliards
Sailing vessel - St S Malcolm Miller 1968
Sails flapping
Sailing vessel - St S Malcolm Miller 1968
Tackles clanking
Sailing vessel - St S Malcolm Miller 1968
Sailing vessel - St S Malcolm Miller 1968
Wash as heard from lee scuppers
Sailing vessel - St S Malcolm Miller 1968
Preparing to sail
Sailing dinghy
Under sail (wind in gusts)
Sailing dinghy
Tacking to moorings; tie up & store sails
Sailing dinghy
Under sail (high winds)
Sailing dinghy
1 man; heavy rowing on park lake
1 man rowing on park lake; heavy rowlock sound
Single oars; fairly fast (with start & stop)
Rowing (Sea Scouts whaler)
2 pairs of oars (with start & stop)
Rowing (Sea Scouts whaler)
1 pair of oars; fairly slow (with start & stop)
Rowing (Sea Scouts whaler)
1 pair of oars (muffled); fairly slow
Rowing (Sea Scouts whaler)
3 pairs of oars; fairly fast
Rowing (Sea Scouts whaler)
6 pairs of oars (shipping oars at end)
Rowing (Sea Scouts whaler)
Small boat on lake
Boarding & moving gear
Small boat on lake
Beaching boat on mud & gravel
Small boat on lake
Beaching boat on pebbles
Small boat on lake
Erratic rowing
Small boat on lake
Cargo of paper loaded into barges
Ships cargo unloaded from main hold
Ships cargo unloaded from main hold
Start up; into constant run
Hovercraft: SRN 6 (Interior)
Start up; manoeuvring (hooter after 30")
Hovercraft: SRN 6 (Interior)
Slow down; stop; switch off
Hovercraft: SRN 6 (Interior)
Fast departure
Hovercraft: SRN 6 (Exterior)
Switch off; depart at 2'20"
Hovercraft: SRN 6 (Exterior)
Approach & stop; engines running
Hovercraft: SRN 6 (Exterior)
Approach; stop; switch off
Hovercraft: SRN 6 (Exterior)
Start engines; revving & manoeuvring
Canal longboat (Rec. on board)
Winding flood gate at lock; rusk of water
Canal longboat (Rec. on board)
Lock gates close; boat edges out into constant run
Canal longboat (Rec. on board)
Constant run
Canal longboat (Rec. on board)
Ticking over
Canal longboat (Rec. on board)
Hooter; into constant run
Canal longboat (Rec. on board)
Constant run
Canal longboat (Rec. on board)
Atmosphere, car deck, vehicles being loaded
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Atmosphere, ship's engines
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Atmosphere on bridge: Before sailing, machine hum, movement, quiet distinct voices
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Radio telephone & voices
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Siren sounded
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Atmosphere on bridge whilst casting off (distinct orders and replies)
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Motor launch (Sea-going) - Start and run
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Bridge atmosphere as ship approaches harbour
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Bridge atmosphere as ship comes into dock (some intelligible orders, siren at 6'15'')
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Seawash recorded from stern
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Seawash recorded from starboard bow
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Bar atmosphere, quiet, engine vibrations
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Seawash, recorded from anchor chain locker
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Boiler room atmosphere, distant voices
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Engine room atmosphere, distant voices
Cross-channel ferry boat 'Dover'
Engine running with cylinder-oiler open (to give simulated effect of puffing)
Steam launch (Length 31ft-built in 19th century)
Slow run, engine stops
Steam launch (Length 31ft-built in 19th century)
Starts; engine runs; stoking boiler; engine stops
Steam launch (Length 31ft-built in 19th century)
Several whistles
Steam launch (Length 31ft-built in 19th century)
Running at cruising speed with boiler being stoked
Steam launch (Length 31ft-built in 19th century)
Arrives & is moored
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine - rec. from quay)
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine - rec. from quay)
Engine start & run with telegraph
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine - rec. from quay)
Engine stop with telegraph
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine - rec. from quay)
Constant run (in engine room)
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine)
Paddles in motion (water level)
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine)
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine)
Departure from quay
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine)
Arrives & is moored
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine)
Loading coal on to steamer from trucks on quayside
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine)
Loading coal on to steamer from trucks on quayside
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine)
Stoking boiler
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine)
Water lapping against steamer in dock
Paddle steamer (Built 1940 - horizontal steam engine)
Bow wave in heavy sea
Sailing ship: Gaff-rigged ketch: Exterior
Heavy sea, rain & force 5-6 wind from midships
Sailing ship: Gaff-rigged ketch: Exterior
Lifeboat maroon
Sirens and bells
14 H. P. MOTOR BOAT (ON DECK): Cruising; stops and switches off (continuation of 19 A 120 back)
14 H.P. motor boat (On deck)
Start up; high speed run; stop; switch off
14 H.P. motor boat (On deck)
Start up; slow running in loch; stop; switch off
14 H.P. motor boat (On deck)
14 H. P. MOTOR BOAT (ON DECK): Start up; constant run (heavy wash) - stop and switch off on 19 A 122 band 1
14 H.P. motor boat (On deck)
14 H. P. MOTOR BOAT 1952 ON DECK: Stops and switch off
14 H.P. motor boat 1952 (On deck)
Starts up, cruising run, stops, switch off (some wash)
14 H.P. motor boat 1952 (On deck)
14 H. P. MOTOR BOAT 1952 IN CABIN: Starts up, reverses into high speed run, turns round, high speed running, stops & switch off (Wash on stop)
14 H.P. motor boat 1952 (On deck)
SHIPS: Wind in rigging and rough sea (Half gale)
Ships - Wind in rigging and rough sea
SHIPS: Engine room (turbine) - Cross-channel ship 'Invicta' at 18 knots
Ships - Wind in rigging and rough sea
TUG SIRENS: Port (1 blast)
Motor horns
Starboard (2 blasts)
Motor horns
Astern (3 blasts)
Motor horns
Port (1 blast)
Motor horns
Starboard (2 blasts)
Motor horns
Astern (3 blasts)
Motor horns
Siren of 'Queen Elizabeth'
U. S. Submarine klaxon - diving
U. S. Submarine klaxon - collision warning
Ship's siren - cock-a-doodle-doo
Ship's speaking tube whistle
French barge siren
SHIPS: Sirens - Liner
Sound effects No. 1
- Tug (''Going astern'')
Sound effects No. 1
- Ship answered by tub
Sound effects No. 1
- Liner (Queen Mary)
Sound effects No. 1
Cross-channel ferry - Departure preparations
Sound effects No. 1
- Seawash at stern
Sound effects No. 1
- Engines running at 18 knots
Sound effects No. 1
- Vessel berthing
Sound effects No. 1
Sound effects no. 2
Start into constant run
Sound effects no. 2
Passing at speed
Sound effects no. 2
Approach & stop
Sound effects no. 2
Sound effects no. 2
4 H. P. OUTBOARD MOTOR BOAT: False start
Sound effects no. 2
Start, constant run, stop
Sound effects no. 2
MOTOR LAUNCH: Start; reverse; manoeuvre
Sound effects no. 3
Start; tickover
Sound effects no. 3
Start; run at medium speed; stop
Sound effects no. 3
Start; fast run; stop
Sound effects no. 3
(In cabin) start; reverse; fast run
Sound effects no. 3
19FT. CABIN SLOOP: Sailing against the wind
Sound effects no. 3
MARINE SIREN F45: 1, 2, 3 & 4 blasts
Sound effects no. 3
'Lee ho!'
Sound effects no. 3
Mooring chain hauled in
Sound effects no. 3
CLUB BOATYARD: General atmosphere
Sound effects no. 3
Sound effects no. 3
ROWING BOAT: Boarding and stowing gear
Sound effects no. 3
Rowing (1 pair oars)
Sound effects no. 3
1st century slave gallery
Sound effects no. 3
HOVERCRAFT, SRN 6: Start up; manoeuvre
Sound effects no. 3
Fast departure
Sound effects no. 3
(Internal) Warm up; constant run
Sound effects no. 3
Approach; slow down; switch off
Sound effects no. 3
Sound effects no. 3
Light sea heard from halliards
Sound effects no. 3
Bow wave, from lee quarter
Sound effects no. 3
Sound effects no. 3
SAIL TRAINING SHIP 'MALCOLM MILLER' (AVERAGE / ROUGH SEA): Bow wave from bowsprit at 4 knots (9 knot wind)
Sound effects no. 3
Tackles clanking and sails flapping
Sound effects no. 3
Average sea from halliards
Sound effects no. 3
Wind howling in the rigging
Sound effects no. 3
Sound effects no. 3
'Roaring Forties'
Sound effects no. 3
SHIPS IN FOG: Foghorn and ships
Sound effects no. 3
Bell buoy
Sound effects no. 3
30FT YACHT 'ALICE MAY' (HALMATIC 30, GRP, SLOOP RIG): Bow-wave with leeside foaming (close hauled, wind force 4)
Ships and boats (2)
Sailing down-wind (distant lightship)
Ships and boats (2)
Sailing past Channel marker buoy (close hauled, wind force 4, horn on buoy)
Ships and boats (2)
Sailing past bell buoy (passes left to right, wind force 5)
Ships and boats (2)
Going about (sails flap, are winched in on other track)
Ships and boats (2)
Atmosphere in cabin under sail (wind force 4)
Ships and boats (2)
Engine started, rev engine, astern gear selected, neutral selected, ahead selected, into fast constant run
Ships and boats (2)
Engine started, idle, stop, ignition alarm
Ships and boats (2)
Pumping bilge
Ships and boats (2)
Inflating ribber dinghy
Ships and boats (2)
ROWING BOAT (1 MAN ROWING): Constant rowing (recorded onboard)
Ships and boats (2)
Constant rowing (recorded onboard)
Ships and boats (2)
Hauling boat on beach
Ships and boats (2)
Launch, board, ship oars and depart (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Approach, beach, unship oars haul onto beach (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Row past left to right (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Row past right to left (recorded on shore, some seawash)
Ships and boats (2)
SAILING DINGHY: Hauling up sail (fast)
Ships and boats (2)
Hauling up sail (slow)
Ships and boats (2)
Sail lowered
Ships and boats (2)
Sail flapping in breeze
Ships and boats (2)
Dinghy towed by motor-boat, arrive alongside larger boat (recorded on dinghy)
Ships and boats (2)
General activity on dinghy (recorded on board)
Ships and boats (2)
Sailing, constant run (recorded on board)
Ships and boats (2)
Going about (recorded on board)
Ships and boats (2)
Going about (recorded on board, wind stronger)
Ships and boats (2)
Running aground (recorded on board)
Ships and boats (2)
Coming alongside larger boat (recorded on board)
Ships and boats (2)
Sailing past left to right (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Siling past right to left (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Pumping water from dinghy with hand-pump
Ships and boats (2)
STEAM LAUNCH 'VICTORIA' (31FT, 19TH CENTURY): Pumping water into boiler (recorded onboard)
Ships and boats (2)
Hooter, single blast
Ships and boats (2)
Hooter, two blasts
Ships and boats (2)
Hooter, three blasts
Ships and boats (2)
Engine running, speed variable, some stoking of boiler (recorded onboard)
Ships and boats (2)
Engine slows from constant run, boiler stoked, engine stops
Ships and boats (2)
CANAL NARROW-BOAT: Departs (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Approach and stop, engine idles (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Engine started (exterior acoustic)
Ships and boats (2)
Engine stops (exterior acoustic)
Ships and boats (2)
Engine tick-over (exterior acoustic)
Ships and boats (2)
Pass right to left (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Manoeuvring (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Trip with changing acoustic as boat passes under bridges etc. (recorded on board)
Ships and boats (2)
CABIN CRUISER (27FT, 50HP DIESEL ENGINE): Bow-wave, start to cruising speed, constant run, stop (recorded on board)
Ships and boats (2)
Bow-wave, start to full speed, constant run, stop (recorded on board)
Ships and boats (2)
Stern-wash, start to cruising speed, constant run, stop (recorded on board)
Ships and boats (2)
Approach and stop (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Depart (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Pass right to left (recorded on shore)
Ships and boats (2)
Atmosphere in cabin, constant run at cruising speed, slow and stop
Ships and boats (2)
Fjord quayside, Andalsnes, with gulls and starlings
Scandinavia I
Harbour, Alesund
Scandinavia I
Harbour atmosphere in summer with gulls and terns - 1981
Water II
SHIP LAUNCH: Ship launch, bottle breaks, men hammer away at props, cheers at boat begins to move, hots qwater at 1'43, three cheers given, general atmosphere (recorded at Cochrane's Shipyard, Selby) - July 85
Exterior effects
Amazon river port - unloading boat at Santarem
South America: Rural and urban atmospheres
Amazon river boat - passenger ferry between Manaus and Belem
South America: Rural and urban atmospheres
Bongo riverboat - canoe made from hollowed out tree trunk, with 40hp motor
South America: Rural and urban atmospheres


Items total 317.


© 2002-2025 Mike Everitt.

This page was last updated on: 9-2-2025 15:36:27