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BBC - New Zealand Discovery

BBC records released to the New Zealand public. The labels and catalogue numbers are usually the same as the UK versions.

singles catagory 7'' singles

CoverCatalogue numberTitleArtist(s)YearRatings
Picture of 2098 116 Whatever happened to you (Likely Lads theme) by artist Highly Likely from the BBC singles - Records and Tapes library2098 116Whatever happened to you (Likely Lads theme)Highly Likely19734
Picture of RESL 92-iNZ Chi mai (The life and times of David Lloyd George) by artist Ennio Morricone from the BBC singles - Records and Tapes libraryRESL 92-iNZChi mai (The life and times of David Lloyd George)Ennio Morricone19815
Picture of RESL 101-iNZ The Aphrodite inheritance by artist George Kotsonis from the BBC singles - Records and Tapes libraryRESL 101-iNZThe Aphrodite inheritanceGeorge Kotsonis19804